• Learn to Code

    8BitCADE XL

    Arduino Arrays

    In this tutorial, we are going to be learning how to use Arduino to program a basic drawing game for our 8BitCADE.


  • Learn to Code

    8BitCADE XL

    A Calculator

    In this tutorial, we are going to be learning how to use Arduino to program a calculator for our 8BitCADE. To fully understand this tutorial, you need to be able to understand basic Arduino syntax and Arduino classes. We advise that the following tutorials are completed before starting this project:

    Arduino Basic’s: Classes
    Arduino Basic’s: Library & Board Setup


  • Learn to Code

    8BitCADE XL

    Your First Game

    This tutorial will walk you through everything you need to do in order to program a game for 8BitCADE XL, your Arduboy Clone! It’ll be broken down into several parts to make the whole learning process more manageable. Lets create our first game!

    Be sure to do the SETUP guide to ensure your 8BitCADE console is setup correctly!


  • Learn to Code

    8BitCADE XL


    In this tutorial, we bring together all of what we have learned to create Tetris on the 8BitCADE XL. The below tutorials must be completed to fully understand this tutorial:

    Arduino Basic’s: Library & Board Setup
    Arduino Basic’s: Arrays
    Arduino Basic’s: Functions

    The below tutorials are advised, but not necessary, to be completed beforehand:
    8Bit Etch-a-Sketch Project
